Collingwood Environmental Planning

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New European Commission survey on an Environmental Implementation Portal - get involved!

European Commission publishes a new public survey designed by CEP on developing an Environmental Implementation Portal (EIP) to help understand users’ needs

The EU collects and disseminates a significant amount of information in relation to the implementation of its environmental policies and laws, including data and indicators, regular reports on implementation, guidance documents and sharing of good practices, for example.  Many users have commented that this kind of information is difficult to find because there is no “one stop shop” for policy makers, stakeholders and the interested public.

CEP is working on a feasibility study on the development and maintenance of an EU Environmental Implementation Portal (EIP) with colleagues at Milieu, Bilbomatica and Wood plc.  This study will test assumptions about the need for and potential benefits of an EIP for different potential users, as well as investigating the technical and resource requirements.

As part of this study, the European Commission has launched an online survey to collect information on users’ needs, interests, experiences and perceptions when accessing environmental information online.  Users might include those who use environmental information in a professional capacity, as well as the wider interested public.

The survey was designed by CEP, and the results will be used by the Commission to provide decision makers with the necessary information about the potential need for and benefits of an EIP to help determine whether it is worth doing: your views are important.

The survey is voluntary and anonymous, and it takes about 10 minutes to complete. Most of the questions are multiple choice.

Please click here to take the survey, ideally before May 2019.

Please do share the link to the survey with colleagues that you think might be interested.

If you have any queries about this survey, please contact Spela Kolaric at CEP (

Many thanks for your participation, your responses will be really valuable.