CEP to attend upcoming virtual Defra/Environment Agency TAG meeting

CEP’s Dr Clare Twigger-Ross will be attending the upcoming virtual Defra/Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research and Development Theme Advisory Group meeting

Dr Clare Twigger-Ross will be attending the virtual Defra/Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research and Development Theme Advisory Group meeting on behalf of CEP on 6th May.  This meeting brings together the three advisory groups Policy, Strategy and Investment (PSI), Incident Management and Modelling (IMM), Asset Management (AM) who all support Defra/Environment Agency in their FCERM research and development.  The groups consist of a range of experts from across different areas of flood and coastal erosion risk management. At this meeting the groups will be updated on the latest research and also meet separately to discuss the upcoming research programme. 

Clare has been on a theme advisory group since 2004.  She is currently part of the Policy, Strategy and Investment (PSI) group.

For more information please contact Dr Clare Twigger-Ross (Technical Director).