CEP's William Sheate and Jonathan Baker were part of the Core Team of two separate parts of the National Ecosystem Assessment (NEA) follow on project.

The NEAT tree (above) is the main outcome of the TABLES research, this tool is intended to support decision makers by providing guidance on the selection and use of tools that have been adapted to incorporate the principles of the Ecosystem Approach.

The NEAT tree (above) is the main outcome of the TABLES research, this tool is intended to support decision makers by providing guidance on the selection and use of tools that have been adapted to incorporate the principles of the Ecosystem Approach.

The Tools: Applications Benefits and Linkages for Ecosystems (TABLES)

This project had the principal aim of mainstreaming the principles of the ecosystem approach by adapting public policy and decision-support tools within an ecosystem services framework to improve policy- and decision-making processes and outcomes.

Barriers and Enablers to Embedding an Ecosystems Framework in Appraisal

The aim of the research was to investigate capacities and constraints to embedding consideration of ecosystem services in policy decision making through different forms of appraisal: policy-level impact assessment (IA), strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) - with a specific focus on the role played by institutional behaviours and cultures as both barriers and enablers at micro, meso and macro scales.

For further information please contact Collingwood Environmental Planning’s Dr Bill Sheate (Technical Director)