CEP working on 'Tipping Points' for EEA

Photo courtesy of NASA/NSSDC Image Gallery

CEP to provide technical support on 'tipping points' in ecosystems to the European Environment Agency

CEP has been awarded a contract to provide technical support on 'tipping points' in
ecosystems to the European Environment Agency.  The work will assist the EEA in preparing a report on tipping points in ecosystems with a focus on European case studies at the local/regional scale.  CEP's work will also be helping to operationalize ‘planetary boundary type approaches’ (with a focus on ‘biodiversity/ecosystem functioning/biosphere’) in a European context.

CEP is working with Professor Katherine Richardson (Copenhagen University) and Dr Sarah Cornell (Stockholm Resilience Centre) as expert advisors on this project.  The contract runs from July to November 2015.

Dr Bill Sheate is Project Manager.  Rolands Sadauskis  is Project Researcher.