Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme

CEP research published on measuring recovery from extreme weather events

ClimateXChange has published a report prepared by CEP and partners measuring recovery from extreme weather events.

ClimateXChange has published the report Measuring recovery from extreme weather events which was prepared by CEP and the University of Strathclyde.

This research built on CEP’s work on flood resilience and investigated international approaches to assessing recovery from extreme weather events, the data sources they use and their applicability to Scotland. The aim was to develop a common understanding of climate resilience and the critical components in planning for local and national recovery from extreme weather.

The report identifies monitoring frameworks used internationally which could be relevant to Scotland and evaluates the extent to which they would work with the approaches set out in Scotland’s National Performance Framework and the Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP).

Based on international experience, the building blocks for developing a system for monitoring recovery from extreme weather events in Scotland are:

  • Framing recovery within a set of wider social goals such as wellbeing or resilience.

  • An approach that establishes the different areas or recovery that need to be considered and the role the community will play in deciding the system to be used.

  • A set of indicators of recovery.

  • Joined-up data across different scales (national, regional/local and community) with a focus on process and outcomes.

  • Relevance of the spatial scale at which data is collected and the timing and frequency of collection to the indicator.

  • Drawing on existing information.

For more information, please contact the Project Director, Paula Orr (Technical Director).

CEP to research how to measure recovery from extreme weather events


ClimateXchange has commissioned Collingwood Environmental Planning (CEP), in partnership with the University of Strathclyde, to undertake research to help develop an approach to monitoring recovery from extreme weather events, including flooding, storms, drought, extreme cold in winter and above normal heat in summer.  The research will look at possible targets and indicators, which should be relevant to broader resilience frameworks and strategies in Scotland.  The main aim of the research is to enable a common understanding of climate resilience and the critical components in planning for local and national recovery from extreme weather.  

This research will involve an evidence review of recovery monitoring systems used elsewhere, identification and review of potential datasets that could be used to measure recovery from extreme weather events, and consideration of how monitoring recovery from extreme weather events can link and contribute to Scotland’s National Performance Framework, the Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme and the Preparing Scotland guidance for getting ready for and dealing with emergencies.

The project began in January and will come to a close at the end of March 2020.

For more information please contact CEP’s Paula Orr (Technical Director) or Dr Sian Morse-Jones (Principal Consultant).